What is a good and free media player for linux?
I recommend MPlayer for video and Rhythmbox for audio. Both are available in the Synaptic Package Manager.
A good and free media player for linux
Labels: Linux
Boot a Linux OS from a Zune
Is there any way to boot a Linux OS from a Zune?
No, but you can just burn the Linus OS portable onto a CD, then when starting press F12 or something to boot from disk.
Thats probably the easiest way. I think you can boot from a flash drive aswell, but I'm not 100% sure. If you can I think the zune would work. Look up booting from flashdrives.
Also, Zune/mp4s don't have heavy duty harddrives like a computer, so it's not best to be running a 200mb OS off it thats constantly reading, it could be damaging for your zune.
Labels: Linux
How hard is it to use Ubuntu Linux?
How hard is it to use Ubuntu Linux?
Programming has no more to do with Linux than it does with windoze.
Linux Magazine (Linux Pro Magazine in the US) just came out with a Ubuntu Special with a 4 gig DVD of the latest release - 8.10. The mag is full of articles on how to install, how to find help, how to use Ubuntu and the major packages.
If you were truly savvy you whould find Ubuntu drop-dead easy. Your questions lead me to believe you would find the mag I refer to useful.
Labels: Linux
Define my laptop on linux
How to define my laptop on linux?
Normally when you install Linux it will auto detect all the hardware that can be supported. Some strange hardware simply won't work, it simply won't have a driver available. It's often the wireless LAN cards that suffer from that fate so you may need to use a Cat5 cable to wire your machine to your home/SOHO router to get connected to the internet (until you can find a wireless LAN driver).
If you've got as far as completing the installation and the machine boots OK then you're well on the way.
Labels: Linux
Download linux to a blank computer
How to download linux to a blank computer?
The site below has info and links for more Linux distributions then I've ever heard of. So pick a distribution, follow the Download Mirrors link and the download links on the following page(s) and you should find ISOs you can download and burn to CD or DVD depending on what type of disc that particular ISO is for. (If you can burn DVDs a DVD version might be easier 'cause it may require multiple CDs for a CD version.)
Note that Live CD versions are not always intended to be installed, they're intended to be booted from the CD drive.
Labels: Linux
Measure the performance of an Linux C application
How do i measure the performance of an Linux C application?
You can measure CPU performance using /proc/cpu. You can measure ethernet performance by using /sbin/ifconfig
Labels: Linux
Install linux to one of my two hard disks
How do i install linux to one of my two hard disks?
I have two hard drives in my laptop one is Windows, one is Linux.
You can also try Linux by booting a live CD. It will let you try Linux without installing anything. Try Ubuntu Linux.
Labels: Linux
Sync the Linux system password and the Samba password
How to sync the Linux system password and the Samba password?
Hopefully, Samba is configured with PAM. If so, follow the instructions below.
Make sure this is set in your smb.conf.
unix password sync = true
pam password sync = true
Navigate to /etc/pam.d/system-auth and add this after the "pam_cracklib.so" line.
password required /lib/security/pam_smbpass.so nullok use_authtok try_first_pass
Labels: Linux
Install Linux on my PC and Keep Windows
Can I install Linux on my PC and Keep Windows?
Yup. You can either purchase another drive, or repartition your existing one. Use the GParted Live CD if you want to shrink an existing partition to make space. The Ubuntu install will do the rest.
Labels: Linux
Is it legal to install linux on an Xbox 1?
Is it legal to install linux on an Xbox 1?
Legal? Well you won't get sent to jail for modding your Xbox. It's your property, you can do what you want to with it. So it's not illegal.
Like the others said though, if you game online with it, you may get caught with a modded system and banned from Xbox Live. You won't get the FBI sent to your house or anything though.
Labels: Linux
Remove windows 2000 and install linux
How to remove windows 2000 and install linux?
Find a formatting/drive scrubber program.. and format the drive or scrub it (write with zero's). Linux comes in a .iso format program.... make sure you burn it with an iso burning program onto a cd so it boots up into the disk to install it.
Labels: Linux
The best linux distro for n00bs
What is the best linux distro for n00bs?
Well, I am not a Linux guru, but have played with it some. Many noobs like Knoppix because you can boot it from a CD on your otherwise Windows machine and play with all the Linux stuff without commiting to fully installing it, but you can install it if you wish.
The one that have been hearing about a lot lately is Ubuntu. Lots of good reviews. I would go that way first. You can also run it off a cd to play with it. There is also Kubunto which is Ubuntu except it has the KDE instead of Gnome. I prefer KDE myself.
I am running CentOS x86-64 as a file server in our office. Seems pretty solid.
Labels: Linux
The difference between linux and windows 2003 hosting
What's the difference between linux and windows 2003 hosting?
It depends on what you want from your web site. The Linux server will be more secure for your site. If you want to connect to a database you will need to learn a bit about MySQL (probably) and writing PHP web pages. The Windows server will be more prone to worms and malicious attack and you will need to learn MS SQL server and writing ASP web pages if you want to connect that to a database.
I prefer the Linux solution but others will tell you differently...
Labels: Linux
Rename a windows .exe file to work under linux
How to rename a windows .exe file to work under linux?
Actually I don't think that this is possible. You can't just rename it. If the executable file is a result of a source code that you have compiled then you'd have to "port" the source code to Linux. That is you'd have to rewrite(or modify) the source code so that it's Linux compatible. Part of the reason is that an executable file has in it calls to functions which are found in libraries or header files that are platform(operating system) dependend. For example the DirectX set of graphic library functions are only available on the Windows operationg system. Roughly it would be impossible to run a game like Quake that uses the DirectX library on Linux because linux doesn't have that library.
So, I don't think that this thing could be done in the general case.
Labels: Linux
Network Linux in with Windows xp computers
Is it possible to network Linux in with Windows xp computers?
yes any version of linux can be part of a windows network. And vise versa. You will not have any issues. Well unless there are permission issues.
Are you wanting to just connect network drives or are you wanting to put the linux box on the windows domain? I did not follow your wording exactly.
Labels: Linux
The offical site to download linux
Where is the offical site to download linux?
There is no "official" linux.
There are many different distributions or 'flavors' of linux. some are easier to learn than others. some are on CD some on 2 or more.
When I was interested in Linux I went to www.linuxiso.org
That site has downloads for 15 or 20 distributions of linux and links you to the official download site for that particular distro. I would recommend going there first.
Before you download and install any distribution make sure that all your hardware and software is compatible and download ALL the necessary drivers before you make the big switch to linux or you will be in a world of hurt trying to find these drivers after the face, especially if the driver you are looking for is for your video, keyboard, or internet.
Linux can be good to learn and has advantages over windows XP and possibly over Vista as well such as security, lack of viruses, and stability.
Labels: Linux
The best linux distribution
What is the best linux distribution for this computer?
Have tried PuppyLinux before?
When I said it required 128 MB of RAM, I wasn't being exactly clear. What Puppy does is loads itself, most of the contents of the CD, into RAM, so that they are faster and don't have to be loaded from the CD. The interface is designed to be somewhat similar to Windows 95. I've never installed it to a hard drive, but it should be possible, and from there it would be even faster.
Labels: Linux
Run multiple commands on a Unix/Linux system without a GUI
How to run multiple commands on a Unix/Linux system without a GUI?
Try to use screen (if it is installed on your system -- read man 1 screen).
You can
- create a new "window" with Ctrl-A c
- kill a "windows" with Ctrl-A k
- switch between "windows" with Ctrl-A
- you can detach the screen (run in background -- you can even logout -- your jobs will still run): Ctrl-A d
- reattaching:
$ screen -r
That's only for starters. Read the built-in help: Ctrl-A ? and the manual for more information.
Of course you can work with background jobs too, but it will be a quite demanding task when you are juggling between 4 or 5 jobs.
It gets even more complicated when you're using && and || operators or redirections.
You can send your job to the background with either "&" at the end of the line or just by pressing Ctrl-Z (stop) and the executing "bg" command (check your shells manual)
You can "retrieve" a background job by issuing the fg
- start 2 long running jobs:
$ ./compile &
$ ./update_doc &
The & operator marks the end of line, so you could actually use single line instead:
$ ./compile & ./update_doc &
- check the job list:
$ jobs
[1]- Running ./compile &
[2]+ Running ./update_doc &
$ "foreground" the first job and send it back to background
$ fg %1
$ bg
kill the second job:
$ kill %2
[2]+ Terminated ./update_doc
Believe me -- you'll prefer screen ;-)
yet another solution -- if you're an Emacs user -- just start your editor, M-X shell, voila! I know some hard-core Emacs users who actually _never_ leave their editor.
Labels: Linux
Take screenshots in linux installation
How to take screenshots in linux installation?
In Gnome based distributions, Take Screenshot is under Accessories in the main menu. If you also look in keyboard shortcuts (open Control Center) you can make keyboard shortcuts for both entire screen or windows. Once again for Gnome, the command is gnome-screenshot.
Labels: Linux
Keep ssh from timing out in linux
How to keep ssh from timing out in linux?
in server file
it is set there what you have to do is change that time if you can
but changing this time will affect server to work properly
you can use putty.exe for ssh in windows xp
Labels: Linux
What version of Linux should I try out as a beginner
What version of Linux should I try out as a beginner?
SuSe 10.0 or 10.2 i would use 10.0 as you have to do some messing around with it to get the update manager to work right if you use 10.0 you dont have to do anything to it just install it and go how ever i would recomend using the KDE desktop environment it is fairly simple
Labels: Linux
Connect to linux with ubuntu and external dial up modem
How to connect to linux with ubuntu and external dial up modem?
Could you say how you are running ubuntu? On a live CD or a hard disk install, and which version? Recent versions of it should recognise the modem as device dev/tty0 and install it. Pls let's have a bit more info and see if we can help.
P.S. Meanwhile you could try downloading and running scanmodem tool from http://linmodems.org/ which is incidentally a good site for all kinds of questions relating to modems and linux.
Labels: Linux
Buying and installing windows vista on a ubuntu computer
How would I go about buying and installing windows vista on a ubuntu computer?
Unfortunately ... no you cant upgrade from linux to vista, but it is very straight forward, and surprisingly fast to install vista. when you insert the vista DVD, reboot the pc and make sure that your pc is set to read the dvd-rom drive on boot (this option will more than likely be in the bios settings, although some manufacturers let you do it from windows). vista will auto detect your current operating system, and ask you if you want to keep it or remove it, you make the choice and in about 20 mins you're up and running :)
Labels: Linux
Install Windows 2003 server in the linux system
How do i install Windows 2003 server in the linux system?
I would disconnect the LINUX hard drive and install Windows 2003 Server on the other HD. Once Windows 2003 is configured - disconnect that HD and boot into LINUX and make this change:
You need to add one line to lilo.conf specifying where the Windows 2003 boot files are located and run LILO when the changes are complete.
There are many resources out there which provide detailed instructions for doing this.
Labels: Linux
Download and install programs on linux
How to download and install programs on linux?
Check tha above link to install program in ubuntu.
Program in linux are avaliable in many format like
1>source format (i.e. programming lanaguage), you have to complie to install it. Not for newbie like you. itis compress format like tar, .gz etc. This i think you are clicking, which open new windows to show extracted files etc.
2> .deb, .rpm format, it is format for debian or redhat linux which can installed by their package manager
3>the most easy and best method for beginner is to use ubuntu package manager, search for program , let it download and then install.
System → Administration → Synaptic Package Manager
Labels: Linux
Set up a Music Server for my LAN with Linux
How to set up a Music Server for my LAN with Linux?
Samba is an excellent server suite and it works on Linux and Windows - at the same time. We use it at work, and I have built in to Ubuntu distro, but I have not configured or done any troubleshooting - mostly because it runs well.
It's a freebee so check out the Samba site
Labels: Linux
Install firewall and antivirus on linux?
While running Linux from disc do I need to download and install firewall and antivirus?
Well, there have been a great many answers, some good and some bad. I like the answer where someone said "you don't need an antivirus and you might need a firewall", but that's not the whole story, either.
As with any computer running any OS (Operating System), you really need to be careful about what you download or run from the Internet. This is not just limited to executables, either; websites with Flash content or Javascript are also dangerous depending on the nature of the site. So, yes, you don't need an antivirus program in Linux if you're responsible about what you download / run. To the person that said that viruses "don't exist in Linux", you're completely wrong; viruses exist in all OS's, but they are MORE of a problem on Windows-based PCs. If you're looking to use Linux for an extended period of time, then I would either install an AV program or I would be especially careful about what I do on this PC to avoid AV problems.
Really, the firewall is much, MUCH more important than the AV, but the question should be "why" you need a firewall, not if. Ubuntu is good about not starting up with too many unnecessary or vulnerable services running; other Linux OS's like Gentoo start with sshd (Secure Shell service), for instance, that could be vulnerable. So, check and see what services are running and disable any that you don't need. Then, to increase the security on your ports with stateful packet filtering, you would have a couple options.
There are a number of firewall products for Linux, one of which was Firestarter, if I remember right. It has a graphical interface, so it's pleasant to the average user, and should be sufficient for your needs. If you're looking to delve deeper into Linux and learn how powerful command line can be, then you'll want to read up on iptables; I configure our Linux firewalls at work with iptables and it has a great number of options. Since it does have a reasonable learning curve, though, I'd give Firestarter a try.
Really, the only question you should ask yourself when wondering how secure your PC needs to be is "what kind of communication will occur to / from my system, and do I need any of those?". It takes a lot of reading and understanding about an OS to do security the right way... for the average person, a decent graphical firewall and some common sense should suffice, though.
Labels: Linux
The best online place to buy Linux server
What is the best online place to buy Linux server, and what the best server brand?
a "linux server" is nothing more than an IBM compatible PC with Linux running as it's operating system.
Linux nowadays has drivers for most common hardware on the market, so as long as you stick with industry standard components (ASUS or INTEL motherboards, 3-com or d-link Ethernet, ATI or Matrox video, Creative labs sound card....you get the idea) You'll be fine. I just suggest you purchase the systems from a store that will pre-load the linux onto the units to your specifications so that if there are any issues, they can be solved before the unit is shipped.
Labels: Linux
Check my computers specs on Fedora
How to check my computers specs on Fedora?
I am not much familiar with Fedora (I use Ubuntu), but there has to be some place in it. Anyway, Linux offers so much versatile help that you can know it from a Linux geek yourself. If you know how to use IRC, join a Fedora channel (must be something like #fedora ) and there you can chat with Fedora geeks and get solutions to your problems!
Labels: Linux
Get the Netgear WG511v2 LAN network PCMCIA card working in Linux
Is it possible to get the Netgear WG511v2 LAN network PCMCIA card working in Linux?
Well maybe, this card uses the Atheros 5001X+ chipset you can see some of the driver information for these at http://users.linpro.no/janl/hardware/wifi.html
They say that card MAY work with the Madwifi driver,
Give it a shot..not all wifi cards are supported in linux (the manfs. just dont get the idea we like linux.. So while you are at it shoot Netgear a note and tell them you want one. The more people asking the more likely we are to get them to support us.
Labels: Linux
The best languages to learn for linux
What are the best languages to learn for linux?
If you're talking about linux kernel dev, C and C++. Application level development could be java, c, c++, and the window manager api's like kde or gnome. qt might help. Other than that, mono supports C# on linux and all the web languages/scripts work too.
for linux system admin stuff, python/perl/bash/sh/ksh/tch scripting will help a lot. text editors like vi or emacs will help you in the long run.
Labels: Linux
Make install packages for linux programs you make
How to make install packages for linux programs you make?
Usually the formats for source code that is distro free are either compressed on bzip2 or tar.gz files. You may need filters capable of converting to these type of files in order to get the source code packed. Also you need to make a "configure" and "make" script (one of each) in order to get the software installed on the system in order to run it.
Labels: Linux
A program that listens on a port and copies files in Linux
A program that listens on a port and copies files in Linux?
I like C++ better too, but Java would be a better choice, unless you are doing gigs of data as fast as possible. Easier to write, maybe 20 lines or less.
Java code example
Labels: Linux
Get internet working in Linux
How to get internet working in Linux?
Unless your network hardware is very weird/old, you'll have drivers installed when you set up networking at OS install time. Linux has much better support for old and legacy cards than Windows. If your card is truly ancient, you might want to splurge the $6 it will cost to get a modern Ethernet card from 3Com or DLink. If you don't know your gateway and DNS settings, allow them to be obtained from your ISP via DHCP from your cable modem or DSL router. Almost all modern distros have a networking configuration tool. It will be under 'Configuration' or 'Preferences' or something similar from the main menu. Select the interface you want to configure (usually eth0) and tell it to get configuration data from DHCP. There might be a setting to activate the interface on boot; make sure it is selected. If your interface won't start up on boot, try typing 'ifup eth0' at the command line. To see what interfaces you have and what their settings are, try typing 'ifconfig' from a terminal window. To see what your machine thinks the gateway is, type 'route -n' from a terminal. The line you see with the Flags field set to UG is the next hop route i.e. your modem or DSL router.
If you're going via a firewall or internal router which is not acting as a DHCP server, you will need to set up your connection as a static IP address (you will also need to do this if you want to run your machine as an intranet server). For this you will need to know the address of the gateway (usually something like, the netmask (usually and some DNS settings which you will need to obtain from your ISP. You would use the same graphical connection tool as for setting the system to get info via DHCP, except you choose 'static' for the interface you want and then enter the required settings.
Labels: Linux
Start running Linux Opp System
I want to start running Linux Opp System. What computer is best?
Linux runs on many different processors, including intel 386 and newer(PC and latest Mac ), motorola 680x0 series, Powerpc(macs) Sparc 4s,4m,and 4u (Sun )
Most hardware is supported with the exception of Win-printers and Win modems. Some wireless cards are not support because the hardware makers do not releasing the techical specifications for the chipset.
Yes a normal PC can do the trick. You can get a used one that is a couple of years old, and more likely to be fully supported.
Labels: Linux
Change the color quality on Feather Linux
How to change the color quality on Feather Linux?
Go to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and open it with any text editor available. Look for DefaultColorDepth and put it 32. Save and restart KDE.
Linux drivers can be found at this link:
(if not already included in the distributions packages).
Labels: Linux
A free version of Linux that will run programs that Vista will not
Is there a free version of Linux that will run programs that Vista will not?
Lots of Windows programs can be run in Linux using Wine. Check the AppDB to check if the programs you wish to use will work. Also, some of the programs you use might have Linux alternatives.
Labels: Linux
Connect to my Linux computer
How to connect to my Linux computer?
if you just want to access a terminal session then configure SSH and use PuTTY to connect. If you want full control of your Linux desktop, then use VNC (comes in both Server and Client components and is cross platform - so yes, it does support Windows as a client)
Labels: Linux
Make Linux more competitive with Microsoft
What can be done to make Linux more competitive with Microsoft?
better software support from big name companies and bertter marketing.
Also, its partly the linux users faults. A lot of Linux die-hards give off the image that its the "geeks" operating system and anyone who doesn't use it is inferior. It needs to be touted as a USER-FRIENDLY alternative to microsoft.
Labels: Linux
Configure a Linux mail server
How to configure a Linux mail server?
by default if linux is fully installed then sendmail comes by default configured on it . just make it start
and also change
smtp 25/tcp mail # Simple Mail Transfer
smtp 25/udp mail # Simple Mail Transfer
smtp 26/tcp mail # Simple Mail Transfer
smtp 26/udp mail # Simple Mail
in /etc/services file.
then service sendmail restart
on command prompt as root login and
then execute your perl code . i am sure u wilget through.
Labels: Linux
Find a Linux compatible driver for a Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter
Where can I find a Linux compatible driver for a Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter?
It depends on the Linux Distro you are using, but it may work out-of-the-box, no third party drivers needed. Try popping it in and see if it works. If that's the case, you're golden.
If not, then you can install NDISWrapper for your Linux distribution. It's fairly common so you should be able to find it for your distro. Once you install NDISWrapper, you can use the Windows driver that came with your Linksys card to make it work.
Labels: Linux
A yahoo messenger that will work for the software linux mint
Can anybody find me a yahoo messenger that will work for the software linux mint?
In a nutshell, you can run it. Check out the following links.
Since Linux Mint and Ubuntu are "close cousins" check out this link as well
Labels: Linux
Set up my own web server using Ubuntu
How to set up my own web server using Ubuntu?
Setting up a web server (or any other server for that matter) is way too complex for this forum. Try the Apache web site (below) for installing and configuring Apache.
Labels: Linux
Install Linux Gnome onto a machine with Windows NT
How to install Linux Gnome onto a machine with Windows NT?
Gnome is a window manager (desktop), KDE is another desktop, and there are many others. Linux can run either - choose your distro, then worry about gnome. Ubuntu is by default installed with Gnome.
THe other post on the alternative distro is a good start for your current problems. www.google.com "your hardware ubuntu" would tell you about specific issues you can expect, and solutions!
Labels: Linux
Join the linux kernel development community
How to join the linux kernel development community?
Try starting at http://www.kernel.org/ - they have a pointer to a related mailing list and discussions.
Labels: Linux
Setup star topology network with windows XP and linux OS support
How do i setup star topology network with windows XP and linux OS support?
Draw up a logical map of how you want everything situated, then draw up a physical map of how it will be wired up, then go forth and prosper!
Windows would be easier to configure, Linux is more fun if you are into geeky stuff. what i do is dualboot my server and configure it for the same services in windows and linux.
in windows it has a shared printer and a shared folder for network fileserving, in linux i use samba for print server and file server services, i can also remote-desktop into both and i can ssh and ftp the linux side from the internet (soon the windows side too). and that computer has 2 nics so soon it will be a linux-router in linux and a windows internet-connection sharing router in windows. it also has a tv card so it is my automated TV recording box too, it automatically records shows and i can stream them over my network or burn dvd's and cut out commercials.
Labels: Linux
Load Linux that I downloaded from the internet onto a new computer
How to load Linux that I downloaded from the internet onto a new computer?
Just download a Knoppix or Kubuntu ISO image, burn it to a cd or dvd and boot from that cd or dvd.
Make sure you use the 'burn image' when you burn the cd or dvd. Copying the file to the cd does NOT work - you will not be able to boot from that cd.
Labels: Linux
What is the best linux for my machine
What is the best linux for my machine?
It could just be your desktop environment thats slowing you down. You may want to install XFCE and run that instead of KDE. As for other distro's these two are a sure thing:
DSL- Damn Small Linux! :) It's great and should be fast for you. http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/
Or you could try out Knoppix if you have a cd-rom http://www.knoppix.org
Requirements to run Knoppix:
* Intel-compatible processor (i486 or later)
* 32 MB of RAM for text mode, at least 96 MB for graphics mode with KDE (at least 128 MB of RAM is recommended to use the various office products)
* Bootable CD-ROM drive, or a boot floppy and standard CD-ROM (IDE/ATAPI or SCSI)
Labels: Linux
Install windows Xp and Linux on the same computer
How to install windows Xp and Linux on the same computer?
You can dual boot with windows and linux.
Here's a quick howto:
Install windows first! - depending on your hard drive - 20 GB is a good size for the primary partition for windows .. if your drive is very large you can use more if you want..
leave part of the drive empty and unformatted.. at least 20 GB
for linux and any additional software
After you get window installed - and all your drivers etc., - shut down - this depends on if you have an install CD for linux -
Before shutting down windows insert the linux CD and restart the computer to Boot from the linux disk. Your computer has to be setup to boot from CD to do this..
Then you can direct the installation to your unformatted partition space.. Just follow the installation and configuration directions after that. Most flavors of Linux will install a boot loader program that offers you a choice of operating systems after the installation is complete..
Labels: Linux
Configure windows xp and ubuntu linux to use two wireless nic's equally
How to configure windows xp and ubuntu linux to use two wireless nic's equally?
Well, when a remote site responds to a TCP/IP request, it responds to ONE ip not multiples.
For this to work, both signals would have to reach the remote site at the exact instant! (they wont!)
The remote site would have to respond at the exact instant. (It won't and can't.)
The signals would both have to reach back to you at the exact instant. (They won't and can't)
TCP/IP connections use IP addresses to respond to and two addresses get two responses not ONE. In your depiction you will be sending from TWO public IP's (one for each modem) not one! So the OS's only use ONE WAN connection at a time else you make for a large traffic jam!
You can "load balance" (use one when the other is busy) but you can't combine unless you get a bonded set of lines from your ISP (which basically is ONE LINE!)
Just the way TCP/IP works! If you need more pipe, get a bigger one don't try using two.
Labels: Linux
What linux based os can i boot from a usb flash drive
What linux based os can i boot from a usb flash drive?
Maybe you should start your linux/wireless adventure by answering one thing.
You stated "Oh andi don't know what wireless card i have if any ....".
I suspect getting a wireless connection would will be very difficult if you in fact have no wireless card. That bit of info might be something you need to resolve.
Labels: Linux
A good Linux OS that I can install on my windows 98 computer
What is a good Linux OS that I can install on my windows 98 computer?
I'm guessing this computer doesn't have alot of Memory since it runs Windows 98. Ubuntu is not a good choice if you have less then 256 MB of RAM Xubuntu will work good down to 128 MB. If you have less than that I would recommend Puppy Linux.
Labels: Linux
The easiest Linux certification to pursue
What is the easiest Linux certification to pursue?
Yes it is the easiest, and be a foundation for Linux knowledge - however like the other Comptia certifications they are only a foundation and must be built upon to get solid knowledge in the area. Walking into an interview and saying you are Linux+/Network+/A+ will only impress the HR Department but won't get you much with the IT department unless you're interviewing for the most entry level position they offer.
Labels: Linux
ubuntu linux sound wont work
I installed ubuntu linux on my pc, but sound wont work. How do i fix it?
What you need to do is get acquainted with the Ubuntu help forums. There are lots of postings there from people who have had different problems. Sometimes sound, sometimes other things. Those forums will tell you what "GStreamer plugins not found means", and how to fix it.
Does the sound work if you boot from a liveCD? If so then it might be quicker/less painful to reinstall - that is not a major investment following a so-so install experience.
You don't say what your soundcard is, you don't say what your computer is. Go to the Ubuntu forums - they give you hardware specific fixit information.
Labels: Linux
Install programs on a linux which isnt conected to the internet
How to install programs on a linux which isnt conected to the internet?
You need the source code and you can install the applications with no need for internet connectivity. You might need some dependency packages that need to be installed to have the software work on ur pc..
Try looking for an application that displays the dependencies so you can check if you got them or not..
To install the applications just use a command like:
make install
or something like that, i can't remember correctly :)
If it is a .deb file, then you just double click and it installs itself..
Check out the link i provided, it should give you a clearer look..
Labels: Linux
Access my hard drive from LiveCD
How to access my hard drive from a LiveCD of Feather Linux?
If you just want to access your files and nothing else:
1) First you need to be the superuser. Go to a terminal and type "su - ". That will make you root.
2) Type "fdisk -l" (that's a lowercase L, not an uppercase i) to see your partitions. You may only have one, but if there are multiple partitions you will need to determine which one is your Windows partition (the one with an * is your boot partition).
3) Then you need to make a directory to mount your Windows partition in... type "mkdir windows".
4) Then you need to actually mount the drive. Type "mount /dev/sda1 windows", where sda1 is the name of the drive you found in step 1 that contains your Windows partition. Your Windows files should now be in windows.
You will have read-only permissions to the Windows partition. You can type "man mount" to show a full description of the mount command and its options.
Labels: Linux
Copy the last used command in linux comand prompt
How do i copy the last used command in linux comand prompt?
use echo to print
echo !!
use redirection to dump to file
echo !! > last_command.txt
use two greater-thans to append a file
echo !! >> command_list.txt
copying to an environment variable depends on your shell. in csh, it'd be
setenv MYCOMMAND !!
but in bash it'd be something like
export MYCOMMAND=!!
Labels: Linux
Run executable files on Linux
How to run executable files on Linux?
First, is the executable you're trying to run a Windows executable? If so it's not going to work. If it's a Linux executable file you should be able to run it by opening a shell, navigating to the executable's directory and running "./[executable name]". If that doesn't work you may want to check to see if the executable is indeed executable. Type ls -l on the command line and see if permissions on the file are something like r-x. If not you need to make the file executable by running chmod 544 [executable name]. I hope this helps.
Labels: Linux
Server load averages messaged in on linux servers
What are server load averages messaged in on linux servers?
System load averages is the average number of processes that are either in a runnable or uninterruptable state. A process in a runnable state is either using the CPU or waiting to use the CPU.
My system has 1 CPU so 1.00 means the CPU is busy 100% of the time. That actually isnt all that bothersome. But a 2.00 means that there is a line wating to use the CPU (I can feel some lag). And a 6.00 means that something better finish what its doing to hog the system because people will complain soon
Labels: Linux
Get the internet on Ubuntu
How do i get the internet on Ubuntu Linux?
Do you have the correct drivers for your wireless access card installed ? In my experience, I have had to install the windows drivers using a NDIS wrapper in order to connect.
Labels: Linux
How many Linux Distros have you got installed
How many Linux Distros have you got installed on one Hard Drive?
Debian GNU/Linux unstable branch
FreeBSD 6.2
Debin GNU/Hurd K14
But I'm only familiar with Linux. The other two, I only installed recently. And what? K14 is now oldish. I'm still taking baby steps in learning to use it. Soon gotta upgrade to its latest release.
As for FreeBSD, I use it as a backup system. I know for sure that I'll mess up the other two so badly one day. So I put this FreeBSD as a backup system just to keep the PC running in that time. But not conversant with this as well. Many commands seem familiar, so looks a bit easier than GNU/Hurd.
Labels: Linux
Add Linux to my computer but not eliminate Windows XP
I want to add Linux to my computer but I don't want to eliminate Windows XP. How can I do this?
Yes, you would need to create a new partition. Yes, you need a Dual Boot manager. NO, Linux probably won't be able to see the Windows XP NTFS partition.
Basically, what you are trying to do is silly. If you want to learn Linux, I recommend that you seek an old worn-out Pentium II class or better computer, and install Linux on that.
Good luck and Happy Computing!
Labels: Linux
The best version of Linux in your opinion
What is the best version of Linux in your opinion and why?
I use ubuntu and I don't bother with Windows at all anymore. I dual-booted for maybe 6 months and by then I was far enough up the learning curve that anything I wanted to do, I could do in linux.
There are basically two good user-friendly linuxes: Debian-based, and Red Hat-based. Both make it easy to install stuff by using a GUI-based package system. Lots of other distros use one or the other system, though in fact it is easy to use both since the "alien" program converts packages between the two types.
Ubuntu uses the Debian (.deb) system. Fedora uses the Red Hat (.rpm) system. And no matter which one you use, you will use apt-get from terminal quite a bit, too.
I like Ubuntu because it has the most user-to-user support. It has an international, worldwide theme, and a lot of people using it. Linux progresses by the actions of trailblazers, intrepid hackers who figure out how to to something then tell everyone else how to follow. Ubuntu's forums are a rich source of information on how to do practically anything that has been done in linux. Whatever you want to do, it is likely that someone has done it before in ubuntu, and posted exactly how in the forums.
For this same reason, ubuntu is a very good choice for someone new to linux. There are plenty of places where you can ask noob questions and not get laughed at. You'll have a functional desktop, menu and window environment right after install, and most things will be easy to do right off the bat.
>edit< Gentoo is a mighty fast linux to install on a ps3, that's for sure. Installing ubuntu on a ps3 used to involve installing Gentoo first, then downloading ubuntu ppc.
It's extremely configurable, but since that involves having to compile everything you install, it's not good for a first distro
Labels: Linux
Have a Linux email server and a Microsoft web server on the same machine
Is there a way to have a Linux email server and a Microsoft web server on the same machine?
Absolutely...I have a setup similar to that.
Use VmWare Server:
It's free... It allows you to have 'virtual machines' which is great technology.
I have a server that I built and have Windows Server installed and it's hosting a website. I have a virtual machine that is running Linux. It's a machine in a machine.
The only thing to keep in mind is to get plenty of RAM. I wouldn't go under a Gig of RAM as a bare minimum.
Labels: Linux
Install softwares downloaded from other sites to Linux
How to install softwares downloaded from other sites to Linux (Ubuntu)?
save yourself a lot of hassles and use the package manager. Linux doesn't install software in the same way as windows. With windows,you just download the file and its all there. Run the setup executable and it installs. easy. With linux, there's the software (tar.gz etc) that you've downloaded and then there may be up to 5, 10, + packages that need to be installed so that the file can run. These include libraries, programming languages, etc. You also have to make sure you obtain the correct version of each dependency. It can be a real pain in the butt.
The package manager makes all the calculations for you. You just tell it what you want to install and it gets all the dependencies and sets them all up for you. Ubuntu has a great range of packages already available. Only go the downloading and installing non .deb files if you really have no alternative or if you can see that the dependencies required are either already installed or easy to obtain.
Labels: Linux
Linux differ from windows and mac
How does linux differ from windows and mac?
the files aren't really different.. it's based on unix.. so yer its bound to be good ;-)
and remember OS-x is based on BSD
as for installing linux.. it has become a lot easier than when i started, when it used to be on 80 floppy discs.. there is LOADS of help regarding it on the web, even for new people.
The main thing about Linux i would say is stick to major brands of hardware, as they are supported and check the hardware compatibility list to make sure.
as for running windows software, there is a thing called WINE..
might be an interesting read..
as for running OS-x software etc on a NIX machine.hmm never tried..
thing is theres a wealth of decent free software for linux/kde etc which are pretty good.
main reason i keep windows is that the programs I use for music are windows/os-x only..
Labels: Linux
Install linux on another hard drive
How to install linux on another hard drive?
You can start here to choose a distro : www.distrowatch.com
I personally recommend Ubuntu (www.ubuntu.com), it is very user friendly and its user community forums are the Best and most active I have found bar none for answers and guides. I cannot stresss enough how great their forums and wiki are. If you need to know how to do it, the answer is probably there.
It should prompt you to install the grub boot loader (just be sure you read the prompts) which will allow you to choose which OS to boot into.
The current distro of ubuntu is 6.06,Dapper Drake, its comes as an installable live-cd. in other words, you can run it off the cd, or you can click the install icon on the desktop and follow the directions from there =) ..worth noting, running off of live cd is MUCH slower than installed, so don't judge it by it's speed in that setting. installed ubuntu with the GNOME desktop environment is very zippy! (but lets not start the GNOME vs KDE flame wars, just making an observation)
if you are patient you can sign up to have them ship you one, free of charge (they even pay postage), but its just a one-cd download, so not to big a deal (as opposed to some of the 3-6 cd monsters that are common these days)
Labels: Linux
Test speed of a cluster linux
How do i test speed of a cluster linux?
Here's one site with a benchmarking tool,
Over the years a test known as the LINPACK benchmark has become a gold standard when comparing performance. It was written by Jack Dongarra more than a decade ago and is still used by top500.org
Labels: Linux
Linux/Unix server OS for a file server
What Linux/Unix server OS do you recommend for a file server?
Are you building this yourself or looking for a commercial solution? For commercial NAS solutions I tend to favor NetApp (historically built on a customized Solaris OS...not sure of the more recent appliances). They integrate well with NIS, NIS+, LDAP, and AD for authentication and support CIFS and NFS protocols. If you are looking for SAN based storage, I've only used StorageTek with Veritas software (both companies have been bought out since my dealings with them).
For home use, any Linux or UNIX based server would work well for you. Just use SAMBA to handle the CIFS protocol and you should be set. SAMBA is often included with various Linux/UNIX releases but can be downloaded separately if needed.
Oh, if you need to do the reverse (Linux/UNIX connecting to a Windows File Server) check out the Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU). Generally works for basic file sharing but if you have any rapid file access usage, you might encounter the dreaded Microsoft Windows file locking problem.
Labels: Linux
Taking off windows and using Linux
Would taking off windows and using Linux void the warrenty on my laptop?
here's an excellent answer to your problem. try linux on disk (linux live) it runs from the cd so you don't have to install to try it out. check out knoppix http://www.knoppix.org/ . burn the knoppix disk, put it in the drive and restart the machine. thing is, because it runs from the cd drive, it might run a little slow. give it a try, though. and if you want, you can also install it to the hd. it's not too hard. do some research.
best of luck.
p.s. when you install to the hard drive, you can leave windows alone. it'll make a seperate partition for the linux install and when you boot up, you'll have the option to go to linux or windows.
Labels: Linux
A good distribution of linux to be used for science or engineering
What is a good distribution of linux to be used for science or engineering?
Does not matter which distro you use, but since your new, i would suggest Ubuntu like the other person mentioned. It is easy to install and choosing packages afterwards is straight forward. i use Ubuntu and Gentoo for some of my engineering work and havent had trouble. I would recommend getting a book so that you can become familiar with the OS and there are a number of websites with tutorials
Labels: Linux
Boost a WiFi card's transmission and reception signal under Linux
How do i boost a WiFi card's transmission and reception signal under Linux?
The operating system you use has nothing to do with your Wifi card's signal strength.
Try changing the channel your router uses to 11.
Get your computer and router closer to one another.
Upgrade to 802.11n instead of 802.11g.
The Wireless card is not the object in charge of your network. The router is the "brain" of your network. If you change the channel at the router, the wireless card will follow the router. If you change the channel at the wireless card the router may stop communication with the wireless card.
Linux, Windows, Mac, AIX, HPUX, SunOS, or Solaris, it doesn't matter.
The OS has NOTHING to do with the signal strength of your wireless network. From the OS standpoint, the wireless card you have is either functional or not. It's sorta working or it's almost got the correct driver does NOT exist from an OS standpoint. If you can use the wireless card at all, you have the correct driver installed. If the wireless card is not working you have two possibilities:
1. Install the correct driver.
2. Replace the defective wireless card.
There isn't a dial to pump up the volume on the network speed. If you have an 802.11 g network the fastest it can ever go is 54Mb/s. If you have 802.11g MIMO it can go 108Mb/s. If you have 802.11n it can go 300Mb/s.
Note that all of the above has very little impact on how fast you are able to use the Internet. The Internet connection is controlled by your ISP and usually a much slower connection than 54Mb/s. Average Cable Internet access for example is 6Mb/s. FIoS offers packages with 15Mb/s connections.
Labels: Linux
Deleting visited sites on linux
How about deleting visited sites on linux? Without knowing the administrator of some visited sites?
Its doesnt matter if your using linux, you want to do that in whatever browser you are using to surf porn...i mean these sites you dont want him to see.
Just go into the browser settings and clear the cache, cookies and history.
BTW almosts any IT dept will be able to see sites you visited even if you clear your browser files....so dont be surprised if they already know.
2 months ago
Labels: Linux
The best distro of linux to learn programing and networking on
What is the best distro of linux to learn programing and networking on?
They are all going to have basically the same tools available so my reccomendation is going with the one that you're most comfortable with or that you will best be able to get support for. If you have a good friend that uses Linux then use what [s]he uses. Find a local Linux users group and try to find out what most of them use, or at least what the friendly members of the group use.
Personally I love Ubuntu for the desktop, but I've heard some good things about Open SuSe. Both should be pretty easy to setup with a default graphical interface and ways to install new packages.
Labels: Linux
Linux deal with deadlocks
How does linux deal with deadlocks. Does it ignore them, or implement some type of algorithm?
Deadlocks are ignored by linux OS
This link will clarify your doubts and give more information
Labels: Linux
Reinstall Windows if I have Linux installed
How to reinstall Windows if I have Linux installed?
You already have Linux installed? Well if you want windoze it will overwrite your MBR and kill grub / lilo.
If you need windoze more than Linux, reinstall windows, and eventually get around to fixing grub.
If you need your computer, and Linux will give you the necessary features, read up on how to reinstall grub after installing windoze (before you reinstall windoze!). There is a program I have seen called supergrub (I think). Read up on that, it may be an easy grub reinstaller - I haven't read more than the headlines, so you have to go with that from here. Anyway read up enough to understand your options, and proceed.
Labels: Linux
Buy some sort of liscense to sell linux distros
Do i have to buy some sort of liscense to sell linux distros?
I think it depends on what you are actually trying to sell.
If you intend to sell the Linux distro itself, then that is illegal, because you don't own it. In a nutshell, the GNU Public License prevents anyone from "owning" Linux. But at the same time, everyone is free to use it.
On the other hand, if you are selling the CDs or DVDs with Linux on them as a service, say to people that don't want to download it, then that's okay. Linux is okay to distribute, and you can charge for your distrubution costs. But you cannot charge for the software itself. And you have to make sure the licensing terms are included with the software.
Labels: Linux
Get more informations about writing a script on linux
Where do I get more informations about writing a script on linux?
What kind of script?
If you are talking about Shelll Script, Perl Script, PHP Script, CGI or other, then it's pretty simple if you have Linux on your computer. It has useful examples and advanced help. Use commands as: man or info. You can also use your browser for reading man pages. If you don't have linux, why don't you try www.redhat.com?
Labels: Linux
Go from linux to windows
How to go from linux to windows?
You'll probably need to purchase windows on cd and then install over your linux. If you have enough space on your drive, windows XP should give you the option of settup up a dual boot system. This way you can boot into linux or windows. If not you can simply reformat the drive and install windows over top of it.
Here is a good place to look for more detailed info.
Labels: Linux
Run Ubuntuoff of a hard drive partition
How to run Ubuntu off of a hard drive partition?
if you installed it, you should have a grub menu when the computer first starts, and unless you change things it will automatically start in Ubuntu. So, if it doesn't (start Ubuntu), you didn't (install Ubuntu).
If it doesn't and you didn't, try reinstalling Ubuntu again - but FIRST, read up on the process so that you understand it and can follow the steps. Guessing can result in some serious, serious problems.
Labels: Linux
How reliant are you upon Linux
How reliant are you upon Linux?
Reliant more and more everyday, but not complete. Yet- Don't know when or if that'll be. Business requires me to run Windows, and some of my hobbies. However, I fully support the open source effort. Even though I have my fav distros, I won't diss much on another's choice. Cat, I almost understand what you are saying, just take out the Linux references and put in Windows and its the same old story, new character..... Same hate. Beating the terminal doesn't make you more effective. Ubu isn't Linux. Just a darn good distro that seems to be suprising everyone up the food chain. Linux users included.
Labels: Linux
Downlaod linux onto a windows 98 microsoft computer
How to downlaod linux onto a windows 98 microsoft computer?
pop along to www.ubuntu.com
Download their bootable CD; and burn it to disc
Boot the system on the CD and let it run on the PC FROM CD to see if you get aloong, if OK it was an "install me now" button you can use
Labels: Linux
How to linux operating system
How to linux operating system?
There's a lot of different Linux distros, you should try a few of them and decide which one you like. Since you mentioned in your previous question that you only have 128MB of RAM, I suggest you go with either Damn Small Linux or Puppy Linux:
Damn Small Linux:
Puppy Linux:
A few other popular distros are:
Linux Mint:
Labels: Linux
Run Linux or Unix and Vista on my computer
How to run Linux or Unix and Vista on my computer?
One option not mentioned so far and for me the easiest is similar to the option of an external drive. Install a second hard drive, it only needs to be a smallish one 20gig or above would be adequate. Install your Linux onto this and it is then completely independent of your Windows drive. Try the Micro Mart forum at www.micromart.co.uk where I am sure some of the guys will help you. You have to join up but it's completely free and they have some Linux wizards there. Hope this helps.
Labels: Linux
The procedure or command to start working on ubuntu
What is the procedure or command to start working on ubuntu?
If you have never partitioned a hard drive or installed another OS before, as I suspect you haven't, I wouldn't go for installing it from a CD if you want a quick, snappy solution.
I would recommend someone as yourself to use software like Wubi. You can install and uninstall it just as you would any Windows Software, yet offers a full Linux experience.
Labels: Linux
Boot linux from a flash drive
How to boot linux from a flash drive?
look into DamnSmallLinux they do a great job! it should boot right off of the flash drive if your bios supports it. if not, you can setup a floppy to start things off and then let the flash drive do the rest. and its only about 50mb. ive heard of puppylinux too, but never tried it.
Labels: Linux
Get Linux to work on my computer
How to get Linux to work on my computer?
Ok, so you downloaded this version of Ubuntu, you burned it to a CD and now you're trying to boot from the CD, is that correct? Did you make the CD bootable? I'm guessing you didn't. The easiest solution to your problem is order the free CDs from their website: http://www.ubuntu.com/.
Labels: Linux
Set up a remote desktop to my Linux computer
How to set up a remote desktop to my Linux computer?
VNC - it will work on Linux and Windows
you would most likely want to get TightVNC for your Windows PC, and get vnc4server for your Linux PC
Labels: Linux
Dual Boot Linux and XP
How to dual Boot Linux and XP?
the GRUB boot loader will allow you to boot into either OS... there will be no slow down at all.
ubuntu/kubuntu etc. (and most other linux distros) install grub by default... ubuntu/kubuntu automatically allows you to resize your windows partition to dual-boot.
The other possibility, if you don't mind loosing everything in your windows install is to re-partition completely just for linux, install ubuntu, then install either virtualbox OSE, or vmware, install XP inside of vmware or virtualbox, and you can then open a windows session "inside" linux... the performance is a *little* slower, but not bad.
Labels: Linux
Add Linux to comptuer that already has XP on it
How to add Linux to comptuer that already has XP on it?
Ubuntu is a great way to go, it will partition the free space on your drive. It is free, and they will even send you free CD's if you can't download it for some reason (if you are asking a question here, I assume you are already online). For me, the best part of Ubuntu is the community. There is a great community of people from around the world, that are very polite and always happy to help answer any questions that you may have: http://www.ubuntuforums.org
Even though Ubuntu is currently on version 5.1 (Breezy Badger), http://ubuntuguide.org which was written for version 5.04 (Warty Warthog), is still a great guide that is very helpful as well.
The Synaptic Package Manager makes it VERY easy to install additional programs, and most of them are free.
There is a live CD (which runs from the CD, but is slower), if you would like to try it without having to install it to your hard drive first:
Give it a try, I am sure that you will like it. I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot about 5 months ago, and I finally removed Windows about two months ago. I am here to stay.
Labels: Linux
A version of the Linux OS that is so smart it will install on any laptop easily
Is there a version of the Linux OS that is so smart it will install on any laptop easily?
Try any Linux Disto LIVE CD, This way, you get to try out that Linux Distro without actually installing it onto your puter. If there's going to be any issues, it will show up with no harm done to your laptop's system. I installed Linspire Version 6 on my puter in, like 12 minutes, fully ready to go..Actually, sitting there on the internet, with the browser open. In all the months I've been using it..It's been just flawless, no issues whatsoever.The CNR feature is awesome when it comes to downloading new programs and, none of this reboot after you download/install the new program.
I enclosed the website for ur edification and, also a Distro site where you can compare all Linux O/S.(Over several hundreds available~!)
Labels: Linux
Install wine on linux
How to install wine on linux?
Which linux did you get. I pay no attention any more to mandriva and opensuse -- can't get them to work on my machines -- but Slackware, Debian, and Fedora all install it by default and Ubuntu is a Debian-derivative for this discussion. Gentoo has no default.
I won't go into slackware's pkgtools. Look on your install disks in any case. For Debian and its derivatives type a "sudo apt-get install wine" in a terminal -- and you may find it's already installed. For Fedora open a terminal, type su, then the root password when you are prompted for it, then type "yum install wine". If you're using gentoo then I believe it's emerge wine but if you're using gentoo why don't you know already?
Anyhow, once you have it look for it on your menu or just type it and the name of the windows vir^H^H^Hprogram you are trying to run. Y'know, wine quake.exe.
Labels: Linux
Add an IP address to a linux server
How to add an IP address to a linux server?
This is a quick guide on adding IPs to a system manually. I would only suggest it if you are not using a control panel, such as cpanel, that has a feature to adds ips. If your main ethernet device is eth1 instead of eth0 simply substitute eth1 for eth0. Other then that should be pretty simple to follow, this should work on any standard redhat/centos based system.
Login as root then do the following to add a new ip address to any linux redhat based system. If you have cpanel there is a nice little ip management script that just lets you do it via WHM. For those without cpanel do the following:
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
Then as a usual precaution I would make a backup of the file
cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0.bak
(you wont need to do anything with the backup)
Then copy the config for your new IP
cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:1
Then we need to edit the new config
pico -w ifcfg-eth0:1
The lines you need to change:
Then change the
to be your NEW ip address (it will have your primary ip listed)
Once this is done, press CTRL + X
then press Y and
This will have saved the config for you and the interface is ready to be brought up. This is done with
/sbin/ifup eth0:1
Having done this if you type
You should see something like
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet addr:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Bcast:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Mask:
RX packets:55818546 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:46167836 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:3299680715 (3146.8 Mb) TX bytes:1890963825 (1803.3 Mb)
Interrupt:11 Base address:0xd000
eth0:1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet addr:NEW.IP.ADDRESS Bcast:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Mask:
Interrupt:11 Base address:0xd000
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:241244 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:241244 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:66571100 (63.4 Mb) TX bytes:66571100 (63.4 Mb)
If you then try to ping your new ip it should all work fine
This should also restart eth0:1 on a reboot as its a direct copy of the eth0 config. So checking for the ONBOOT="yes" in ifcfg-eth0:1 will ensure it DOES come back up on a reboot
Labels: Linux
Use linux in a laptop that uses windows xp
How to use linux in a laptop that uses windows xp?
Hi, Linux is a Unix like operating system and is one of the last descendants on the original Unix operating system.
I use openSUSE and its probably the best I have used. Here r my reasons:
1. Very stable with less bugs compared to other systems like ubuntu. In fact I haven't encountered one bug in it.
2. Its the only linux system which is as polished as Mac OS X or Windows.
3. It has excellent documentation.
4. It looks good by default
5. Its very easy to use and has a GUI for everything unlike other Linux systems.
6. Hardware support is excellent in all.
7. Great community support as well.
8. Since openSUSE started the compiz fusion project which r the desktop effects then they have the latest ones on it.
9. Novell which is openSUSE's sponsors have a deal with Microsoft so there is better compatibility of file formats and it is the only Linux system which can open .docx files and stuff.
10. All the best and latest software is on it, and its very easy to maintain.
OpenSUSE is perfect for a new user as well as old ones.
OpenSUSE main page:
Opensuse please read:
Opensuse Compiz fusion 3d effects:
Opensuse nvidia guide:
The concepts page should tell u most of the differences in Windows and Linux, and it will give u a general idea about Linux.
If u want to know why Linux is better visit:
Trust me once u use SUSE u will forget about every other operating system.
You can run SUSE in a virtual machine if u use some software like vmware or virtualbox, a virtual machine will make linux think its on a separate system and will work from that while windows is on, but it won't work as well as a dual boot.
Contact me if u have any questions.
Labels: Linux
The comparison function of linux sort
What is the comparison function of linux sort?
The default sort order depends on the value of LC_COLLATE.
If LC_COLLATE is set to C, sorting will be in ASCII order.
If LC_COLLATE is set to en_US, sorting is case insensitive
except when the two strings are otherwise equal and one has
an uppercase letter earlier than the other. Other locales
will have other sort orders.
Labels: Linux
The linux distro that specialized in gaming/geared towards gamers
What was the linux distro that specialized in gaming/geared towards gamers?
You might be thinking of Games Knoppix, which is a variant of Knoppix. Here's a URL if you want to check:
Otherwise, I'd recommend you simply install one of the Debian Linux distros, such as Knoppix or Ubuntu and then just look on the Debian web site for the lists of packages and look under games. You could then install the ones you wanted to look at. Good luck.
Labels: Linux
Install a linux in the same computer that has already windows
Is it possible to install a linux in the same computer that has already windows ?
yes you can install it on a separate partition or drive, if you dont have another partition you can use gpart to resize your windows partition and create a new one from the free space, but thats quite risky
some distributions will setup everything automatically and you will be able to select which os to boot from after youve installed it.
Labels: Linux
Install linux what happens to your programs
When you install linux what happens to your programs?
Put very simply, you don't have to clear everything out, but your programs will still only be on the original operating system (like Windows XP). Allow me to explain...
When you install Linux, like openSUSE (http://software.opensuse.org/ - my recommendation), you are given two choices. The first one is to split the hard drive up between Windows which you already have and the new Linux (giving you the choice of which one to use every time you turn on the computer) and the second choice is to completely remove Windows and start fresh with Linux.
If you have the partition to dual boot both Windows and Linux, everything you have on Windows (programs and files) are safe, but you can only access them when running Windows.
If you have it install Linux to the whole hard drive, it does completely format (meaning erase) Windows including all of your programs and files. (So you would want to back them up first like copying software setup files and your files and folders to a writable DVD or something and then put them onto Linux later.)
To state again, the programs and files stick with the operating system; get rid of the OS and you get rid of the programs too, but you can choose to keep Windows.
An important note: Windows programs are not the same as Linux programs. They are different types of files. A Windows program will not install (by default) on Linux. (Though I want to clarify that specific document files, like Word documents or music, will run on Linux.) You will be able to install most Linux software you need from an install manager inside the OS, but installing other software can be tricky depending on how it's formatted. You can actually install some Windows software on Linux, but that's only after installing a compatibility-layer program called Wine.
Labels: Linux
What type of video card to install in Linux
What is an important feature in determining what type of video card to install in Linux?
The most important feature to consider when installing a device (of any kind) in Linux (or other OS) is the device compatibility.
This information can be obtained from the parties responsible for the particular distribution that you opt to use (Fedora, openSuSE, Ubuntu, Linspire, etc.). Check the distributions website (FAQs, Wikis) for driver compatibility and kernel support.
Labels: Linux
The best desktop linux to get
What is the best desktop linux to get?
Here is my list, having been running GNU/Linux since 1997:
Beginners and noobs, who want an easy, 'hands free' version, all should get http://pclinuxos.com and if this liveCDrom with 5,000 games and programs fits your needs, you press the 'Install PCLinuxOS' button!
You want to tell it, in the partitioning part, that you want to create a second partition, for PCLinuxOS, and, a third one of about your memory size up to 1Gb, for the memory swap file.
Second choice, for more advanced users, is http://kubuntu.org
Installs of any second OS, with re-partitioning of the hard drive, requires that you FIRST, in Windows, de-frag and clean up the drive!
You will find that you don't have to administer the system, like you do in Windows (about an hour every 20 hours of use, per computer!), with Microsoft having 150,000 Virus Definitions, and the spyware, adware, pop-ups, core vulnerabilities, that plagues Windows!
Linux will be a real relief! Plus, GNU/Linux uses all the same tools as MAC OS X (based upon another Unix, Darwin BSD!) that are maintenance free!
http://lugww.counter.li.org has 700 FREE clubs, so there is probably one in your area!
Free advise and help is ALWAYS there, at the forums for each distro! Linux is what 76% of all Internet servers, including Microsoft.com and hotmail.com (15,000 Linux Servers for EACH!), and Google.com (100,000 servers!) run!
Labels: Linux
To learn linux what distro should I use?
To learn linux what distro should I use?
Considering you will be spending the bulk of your time messing with mysql itself and your linux viewpoint will mostly be a shell command line and an editor, it probably doesn't matter all that much.
Consider that corps almost always play it safe. That means they go with something that provides support. In the US that primarily means Redhat,, Suse, or Ubuntu. Possibly Fedora or Centos.
Check around to see if you wireless card is support. If not, get one that is. Its not like they are a big expense these days.
Labels: Linux
Linux store instructions and data to one page for kernel pages
Does the linux store instructions and data to one page for kernel pages?
Weinter is right, the only time you should be concerned of your security when on linux is if you are logged in on the root user, or your root user has weak password. The only way a infection on linux can occur is if the infection has root access, any other way would be extremely hard.
Labels: Linux
How long does it take to become a Linux or Windows Administrator?
How long does it take to become a Linux or Windows Administrator?
It would probably be easier to get a Windows Administrator job. A lot of times, just getting MCSE or MCSA certified is all you need to land the job. Since you are after the fastest possible route, I would go for a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) certificate. MCSA is much easier than MCSE. www.testout.com has some videos that can help you get certified. Here is basically the tests you need to pass in order to get MCSE certified or MCSA.
70-270 (MCSA/MCSE - 2 Discs)
Installing, Configuring and Administering Windows XP Professional (v2.1)
CourseSim, LabSim & ExamSim
70-290 (MCSA/MCSE)
Managing and Maintaining A Windows Server 2003 (v2.2)
CourseSim, LabSim & ExamSim
70-291 (MCSA/MCSE)
Implementing a Server 2003 Network (v2.2)
CourseSim, LabSim & ExamSim
70-293 (MCSE - 2 Discs)
Planning a Server 2003 Network Infrastructure (v2.2)
CourseSim, LabSim & ExamSim
70-294 (MCSE)
Implementing a 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure (v2.2)
CourseSim, LabSim & ExamSim
70-297 (MCSE)
Designing a Server 2003 Network Infrastructure (v2.2)
CourseSim & ExamSim
70-284 (MCSE Elective)
Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (v2.0)
CourseSim, LabSim & ExamSim
70-228 (MCSE Elective)
Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (v2.0)
CourseSim, LabSim & ExamSim
Labels: Linux
Some of the advantages of Unix/Linux over windows
What are some of the advantages of Unix/Linux over windows?
I disagree that Linux isn't safer than Windows. Windows has a very long history of having HUNDREDS of vulnerabilities every year. It really opened my eyes when I started manualy approving all updates for Windows on my network at work.
Yes Linux has the same problems, but far fewer and are usually fixed FAR more quickly. There are also far more people working on these problems and on feature upgrades.
The question regarding viruses is pretty much the same, as Linux is more hardened against viruses overall. There is something to say though that there would be more rootkits for Linux out there if the average joe/jane use Linux more often.
As far as usability, Ubuntu has gone a long way to making it user friendly. It is also one of the easiest to install, making it a snap to install Ubuntu on your Windows system and letting both Windows and Ubuntu work. You just pick which one you want when you turn on the PC.
I suggest giving it a try. Feel free to message me if you have any Linux questions down the road.
Labels: Linux
the most functionall version of Linux for home users
What is the most functionall version of Linux for home users?
Definitely Ubuntu. Their slogan is actually "Linux for human beings".
Also, with Ubuntu, you can try it out before you install it! Just burn the files to a CD (or DVD), and switch your computer's boot method to CD. You'll boot right into Ubuntu, and will be able to use everything- if you want to keep it, you just click the install icon, it installs, and you're set!
The OS itself is very intuitive, easy to use, and has many familiarities from OSX and Windows. Try it out. It's so good, that even Dell offers it on some of it's PCs.
Labels: Linux
The best Linux distribution to use to turn an old PC into a print server
Which is the best Linux distribution to use to turn an old PC into a print server?
Wireless connectivity with Linux can be complex, and there is no distribution that will easily solve that problem for you unless you search for Linux compatibility for the exact model of wireless adapter you have. If you cannot find a Linux driver, you would have to use NDISWRAPPER with the windows drivers for the card, and given your description above, it may be more than you want to handle. Additionally, for a print server you're going to want solid connectivity, and ndiswrapper is sketchy, even when it works.
Labels: Linux
The advantage of installing a Linux OS on a PS3
What is the advantage of installing a Linux OS on a PS3?
Linux is the collaborative effort of programmers from around the world working in their free time. There are many many versions of Linux.
Linux eats up fewer resources.
It is open source (meaning you can see the code that makes it up) so if you are a programmer, you can do some hacking.
Its more stable.
Downside---It's harder to use, harder to install programs if you need to. Ubuntu is the most user friendly version (distro) as of now, so I'd go with that to start with.
Labels: Linux
Linux distribution do you recommend for a biggriner
What linux distribution do you recommend for a biggriner?
Ubuntu is hands down the best for begginners.
Mandriva and OpenSUSE are good once your feet are wet.
Labels: Linux
Connect Windows Vista to Fedora Core 6
How to connect Windows Vista to Fedora Core 6?
Once you've got them both on a common IP network via the cross-over ethernet cable between them, you'll want to setup Samba on the FC6 box.
Here's the 'offical' reference guide to setting up Samba-
Labels: Linux
Get Vista partition using linux
How to get Vista partition using linux?
I believe that Gparted is installed by default in SUSE.
If not here is a how-to dual boot vista with linux installed first, with link to Gparted to DL and run as a livecd.
Labels: Linux
Configure my Linux to connect through my home router
How to properly configure my Linux to connect through my home router?
If you're running a home network, in most cases, the internal IP, that is the IP address accessible to your computers would normally be as a default. You could enable DHCP on your router and set your computers to, including the Linux computer to Obtain IP address automatically, and set your default gateway to To set up Linux from KDE: Log in as root, in the systems menu select 'network device control', then select your card, click on the configure button, when the 'network device configurations' window appears, double click on your device, then the 'ethernet device' window will open, in that window make the following settings:
1. activate device when computer starts
2. automatically obtain IP address settings with DHCP
3. check the box 'Automatically obtain DNS information from provider.
Then restart the computer, and you should be up and going.
Labels: Linux
Add a command to linux so it execeutes a command
How to add a command to linux so it execeutes a command when the server turns on?
You havnt said which distrubution you are running so its hard to answer this question.
But you would need to have the script in your init.d directory
and do chkconfig --add script name
and then
service script name on
Labels: Linux
Install Linux to an old laptop
How to install Linux to an old laptop?
I feel Puppy linux can help you here.
check this out: in the below link
Labels: Linux
The smallest Linux distro which can read ntfs partitions
Which is the smallest Linux distro which can read ntfs partitions?
You could use Puppy linux.
You could also use a Windows "live cd" such as Bart's PE.
Labels: Linux
Find out if I have a Linux Web Server or not
How do I find out if I have a Linux Web Server or not?
It sounds like you are purchasing webspace somewhere and are unsure if you want to go with a Windows or Linux Web Server? I will answer the question from this point of view.
The server is the computer that will have your website on the internet. You can go either way, your home computer OS does not have to be "compatible" with your Web Server. HTML and web scripting can be written on one OS and hosted on a different one.
Linux software is free, so hosting is usually cheaper. You'll probably get Apache web server (the program that actually handles the website - probably the msot popular on the web), MySQL Database, and atleast PHP support. This setup is ideal for most websites. Linux is very reliable for any sort of hosting.
Windows Server is more expensive, but supports ASP.NET. .NET Web applications can be very powerful, but will be useless to you if you don't take advantage of it.
Probably the cheaper hosting plan is better, go with Linux.
Labels: Linux
The command to know the linux version i am using
What is the command to know the linux version i am using?
username@machine> uname -a
Linux test_machine1 2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 3 17:52:56 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
In this example, the Linux kernel version is 2.4.21-4.
To obtain the Linux glibc version, type the following at the shell command prompt:
username@machine> rpm -q glibc
Two alternative methods to obtain glibc version information:
username@machine> /lib/libc.so.6 | head -1
GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.2, by Roland McGrath et al.
username@machine> getconf GNU_LIBC_VERSION
glibc 2.3.2
If you are using a RedHat Linux distribution, you can find the RedHat release by typing:
usename@machine> cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
Labels: Linux
Copy file between two linux server conveniently
How to copy file between two linux server conveniently?
You can install Samba on your linux server. Most Linux servers have that package installed.
It allows you to make network shares that you can access with Windows machines.
If you install SWAT as well you have a web-browswer interface to configure your SAMBA server. Browse to
Samba is such an easy way to share files that I use it between two Linux machines - no windows involved.
Labels: Linux
Convert linux web server to windows 2003 server
How do i convert linux web server to windows 2003 server?
I did this a couple of years ago (and I'm not a Linux guy either). First, you need to know what you're running on the Linux box. Your web server is probably Apache. Are you running Perl/PHP/MySQL? You will likely want to run those same services on the Windows box. If you're running Apache on Linux, are you going to stay with it on Windows or run IIS? Basically, you get everything running on the Windows server that's running on the Linux server, then move your content over.
Sorry, but I don't have room (or the inclination) to write a step-by-step procedure.
Labels: Linux
Get a new MSN account on Linux
How to get a new MSN account on Linux?
Assuming your account works then use aMSN for Linux
which is an MSN clone
Accounts are always made from live.com - dont need any special os for that
Labels: Linux
Linux Mint is it really any different
Linux Mint is it really any different, or is it just Ubuntu with flashy face paint?
Hi, yeah it used to be tru in the beginning that linux mint was ubuntu with a new theme, but now thats no longer true, apart from codecs there is a lot of difference.
They have their own update system, some of their own repos, they have their own back up systems, which r really cool and they continuously back port stuff so linux mint 5 will have newer software 2 years later than hardy does.
Something really important about them is that they do fix software bugs, those r the ones ubuntu misses, I have read some of their devs hang out in the launch pad to find out major bugs and fix those. Plus u can uninstall an app just by right clicking on it, they r improving gnome.
Labels: Linux
Install a certain program stuff on a linux
How to install a certain program stuff on a linux?
Guess you're talking about this video:
Looks good.
You won't be able to run Windows on WINE. You can only run most Windows programs on it, but not Windows itself. What you're looking for is an emulator--a program that let you install Linux (or other operative system) on a virtual environment and run it from there. A good choice is QEMU:
Here's a review:
And here's the "how to" for installing Linux on Windows via QEMU:
You can also do it the other way around and run Windows on Linux via QEMU, but since you say that you were lucky to install Linux once, I recommend you to keep Windows as your primary operative system until you become more experienced with Linux.
Labels: Linux
Get linux on my windows xp computer
Is there a way to get linux on my windows xp computer?
yes. this is called a dual boot. partition ur hard drive with a free partition software, like partition logic. then get the distro copy of the linux that u want. i recommend ubuntu. Most linux distro's have a live cd, where u boot from and install the os directly. u can download the distro from their website.
Labels: Linux
Most easy-to-install and easy-to-use Linux distribution
What is the most easy-to-install and easy-to-use Linux distribution?
Ubuntu, without a doubt. Support is great and user forum is outstanding. When I've had questions, people give answers almost immediately. Unlike Microsoft, where response time can be measured in days.
Labels: Linux
What general Linux magazines are there in the UK
What general Linux magazines are there in the UK?
As well as those 'home grown' magazines,. there is also the US Linux Journal which some newsagents stock or can be bought on subscription. See http://www.linuxjournal.com for details of the magazine and subscription rates.
Labels: Linux
The difference between OpenSolaris and Linux
What's the difference between OpenSolaris and Linux?
opensolaris is a UNIX system provided by Sun Microsystems which is Solaris version 10 or greater, when Solaris became opensource. It has been around far longer than any Linux distrubution, and generally used by enterprises rather than as a desktop system, as it is highly stable & reliable and very well documented.
Linux orgin's come from the GNU project and has always been opensource. Linux is UNIX like but cannot be called UNIX
Labels: Linux
Activate the sound control on Linux
How do i activate the sound control on Linux?
You don't say which Linux, but in any event the sound for Unix (anyway) are ALSA, an opensource project. Follow the link below. You need to list your soundcard chip ID in a Terminal session. There are instructions.
A personal note, my SoundBlaster Live! card sounds great in WIN and it is because of the software that came with the card.
After I installed the correct ALSA recommendation I still had a teenie sound in my Unix distro. I then went and looked for any sound packages. I installed a mixer control panel. It helped the sound a little bit, and it added an option for 5.1 stereo or 2 channel. It's still not great, but it works.
Labels: Linux
The best Linux for online media
What is the best Linux for online media?
I like mint, it comes with flash and java already installed. and it's based off ubuntu
Labels: Linux
Make a command execute on startup in Linux
How to make a command execute on startup in Linux?
Debian is the upstream from Ubuntu, it's almost the same process.
You can try with /etc/inittab .
I prefer to do it with /etc/init.d/*.sh
Labels: Linux
The best Linux distribution to try out for a very advanced Windows user
Which is the best Linux distribution to try out for a very advanced Windows user?
First of all, linux is very different that Windows.
Fedora Core 9 is a distro that a lot of businesses use.
Ubuntu is a great, simple to use distro. There are several different variations of Ubuntu: Xubuntu, Kubuntu and eduBuntu. Ubuntu is considered one of the best distros available.
PCLinuxOS is another great distro that looks great.
openSUSE is also runs good and looks sharp and professional.
I currently have 5 computers that can run linux and I think that Ubuntu is probably the best you can get, with Fedora and Kubuntu being close seconds.
I haven't yet tried this distro yet, but Gentoo is a distro that you have greater control over what you actually install to your computer, giving you more things that you want.
Just for fun you could go to http://www.pendrivelinux.com to see different distros you can install to a bootable flash drive. My favorite small-install linux is MCNLive.
Labels: Linux
Boot linux from a flash drive
How to boot linux from a flash drive?
You can run this of CD, USB, and even in RAM
To intall to USB drive:
First, boot up your computer from the DSL livecd, frugal, or USB-frugal. Note that it is not possible to do a USB install, or any other kind of install from a DSL Embedded system.
In the Fluxbox menu, go Apps >> Tools >> Install to USB Pendrive and choose either USB-ZIP emulation or USB-HDD emulation, depending on what is supported by your computer's bios.
Labels: Linux
The difference between hosting on windows or linux
What is the difference between hosting on windows or linux?
You would be able to use any operating system to view the pages. Whether you want to host on Windows or Linux determines what operating system you want the host to run. There are standards in the form of protocols (FTP, HTTP, SSH) in place that would solve any communication problems. (The way a mac, windows, or linux computer can all access the same website, because it uses HTTP.)
The main factor in your decision should be what programming languages you want to run. If you want to use PHP/MySQL or Oracle based scripts, I would choose Linux or Unix.
If you want to use ASP.NET or any .NET based scripts, I would choose Windows, as Linux does not support these languages.
In my experience, Linux runs faster and more stable than Windows. But I'm not going to say 'it runs faster period' as that usually leads to flame wars.
Labels: Linux
Get shockwave plugins to work under linux
How to get shockwave plugins to work under linux?
I use Linspire with Codeweaver's Crossover Office, and that does the trick.
Labels: Linux
The pros and cons of a good linux 64-bit distro
What are the pros and cons of a good linux 64-bit distro?
If you are not familiar with Linux I suggest go for the VM environment instead of dual boot. One cool thing about VM environment is you can share resources easily and much less time to switch back and forth. On the con side it takes double RAM for running VM environment.
Few things to consider.
- 64 bit VM will only work with 64 bit base OS. So if you install 32 bit base OS 64 bit VM can't be created. (XP/2003 server or Vista)
- Use Red hat or Suse or some well supported Linux distribution. You might run into a bunch of driver issues
- Make sure you have lots of RAM. I suggest 2 GB or more. VM uses physical ram and not paging file so you need 512-1024 MB ram for base OS and256 to 512 MB for guest OS.
- Check for RHOS logos for driver availability. Or stick to 1-2 year older hardware you will definitely find drivers
Most of 64 bit distros will make use of RAM more than 4 GB some base OS will not for e.g.Windows XP will only recognize 3 GB of ram even if you have 4 GB installed. For that matter Linus started supporting 64 bit and 1 TB of ram at least 3 years before windows did.
Only problem I have with dual boot is if you don't have network driver it takes long time to down load and install until you get internet going.
You can run pretty much all games on Linux VM. I am using SUSE and windows server for my setup and it's running greate. I only have problems with Wireless Lan and under Linux while running under dual boot.
Labels: Linux
What should I use for backing up/cloning a linux computer
What should I use for backing up/cloning a linux computer?
Ya there are plenty.
This one is great but is not capable of cloning from a larger disk to a smaller disk, working with individual disk partitions, or creating or restoring image files (locally or otherwise). If thats not your situation this is what Id recommend.
Personally I like clonezilla, but whatever does it for you.
Labels: Linux
install linux on a external hard drive to access on my ps3
Can i install linux on a external hard drive to access on my ps3?
No, being that the hard drive has to be partitioned and formatted before the installation, and you need to install the bootloader on the internal hard drive (the otheros.bld file), the installation has to be on the internal hard drive, you can use an external hard drive for software though
I would reccomend that you upgrade your internal hard drive to at least a 250GB hard drive, the hard drive must be a 2.5 laptop SATA hard drive, just backup the PS3 in the PS3 settings to your external hard drive, remove the hard drive cover from the bottom/left side of the PS3, remove the blue screw, take out the drive bay, remove the old hard drive from the bay by removing the 4 bay screws, swap the hard drive, put the screws back in, put the bay back into the PS3, put the blue screw back in, and put the hsrd drive cover back on
Now as you start the PS3, it will ask you to format the hard drive, say yes and let it do a quick format, then go into the settings and do a full format and allot 10GBs for OtherOS (in other words, giving the Linux partition 10GBs of space), formatting will take a long time, so just have the PS3 sit for a while, after the PS3 finishes formatting the hard drive, plug in your external hard drive and restore your backup (just go to the backup settings and select restore), after your restoration is complete, your PS3 should look like it did before you replaced your hard drive, now take the Linux DVD and go to your settings, system settings, and install OtherOS, it will then look for the bootloader (otheros.bld), it will install the bootloader, as the bootloader installs, you will see a new selection appear called Default System, select it and select OtherOS, the PS3 will reboot and the bootloader will start, the bootloader will search for the kboot file on the DVD and install linux on your new internal hard drive, after you install Linux and you can log in, connect your external hard drive and let it mount, you can now store software and other files on the external hard drive, and you will have all that storage for the XMB
Labels: Linux
Convert a windows partition to a linux partition
How do I convert a windows partition to a linux partition?
I really dont think that is possible.
You will have to partition the drive while installing linux. I think that is because linux uses its own type of a file system other than windows.
When i installed Mandrake on a pc that was already running windows 2k, the mandrake installation made a partition of its own n installed. However, it was dual boot.
Labels: Linux
What files do I have to download to run Linux from a CD
What files do I have to download to run Linux from a CD?
As Banstorm said you would possibly want to get hold of a live Cd of Linux, you can either get this as a CD which you will need to insert into your CD/DVD drive and reboot the machine or as an iso image which you must burn to a CD, making sure the computer is set to boot from the CD drive (you may have to alter the bios to get this to work, not dificult)
If you burn a Linux distro iso to a CD and boot your computer you will then install linux to your hard drive so you will be able to pick between starting in windows or linux.
It may pay to check out a site like http://www.justlinux.com, it's got all the info you will need and if you sign up there are plenty of people willing to help you.
Labels: Linux
How would Linux and Windows work together
How would Linux and Windows work together?
To install ubuntu linux, you download the cd image from the site and burn it, or if you have a slow connection you can order the cd for free from shipit. when you install ubuntu, it will partition your drive and create what is known as a dual-boot system. then when you start up your computer there will be a text menu (known as the grub boot menu) asking which operating system you would like to use, if you dont answer within a certain time it loads the default. so yes you can select which one starts on your computer.
Ubuntu is free. I would say it is safer than xp because there are fewer viruses for it and nothing can install without your permission. The firewalls are harder to configure than windows firewall in my opinion. Overall it is a very good system to run. My favorite part is that it keeps all of your software up to date that you install from the repositories, Like in windows update when you download the patches for the operating system, only ubuntu does it for the os and all the programs, which is more secure.
Give it a try, and google for help if you need it.
Labels: Linux
Update the Linux kernel without an Internet connection
How to update the Linux kernel without an Internet connection?
You NEED to get your hands on the new kernel or its sources. However you do it, it is up to you. Question, what version of Ubuntu you are using? And what is your wireless adaptor? Fedora provides great wireless network support.
"This release provides a number of firmware packages for enhanced wireless networking. NetworkManager presents a graphical interface that allows users to quickly switch between wireless and wired networks for increased mobility. NetworkManager is installed by default in both GNOME and KDE Live CDs."
--Fedora Project Wiki.
If you wish to remain with Ubuntu, you NEED the sources or the kernel to update it, either by means of network connectivity, CD, flash drives....
Labels: Linux
Configure a second hard disk with linux on it
How do i configure a second hard disk with linux on it?
Make sure that the drive with Linux is the first bootable drive. Under the GRUB menu list, you need an entry like
title Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1
The (hd1,0) means "Second hard drive, first partition.
Labels: Linux
Access a Windows partition from linux
How to access a Windows partition from linux?
Go here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy (Starter Guide)
go to section 1.15 windows. Just follow the directions
Remember to bookmark this page. As you will find most of your answers here. If not ask your questions at http://www.linuxquestions.org or http:/www.linuxforums.org
Labels: Linux
Run Unix or Linux from an external hard drive
How to run Unix or Linux from an external hard drive?
i use linux, the cd's are called distro's... (distributions) theres dozens of em, all free and all slightly different...
if your new to this try linspire xp2007, its dead easy to use... set your PC to boot from the CD, and thats it...
looks like xp, behaves like XP but it doesnt crash... and all the associated software is free
Labels: Linux
A difference and what is it between assembly language in Linux and Windows
For a particular architecture (i.e. CPU type) the assembly language is the same. Realize that even modern intel CPUs have different instruction sets but in general most compilers stick to common instruction sets shared amoung all intel CPUs unless advanced instruction sets (aka extensions) are specifically enabled. MMX was one such extension.
Assembly really doesn't have much to do with device IO or drivers since assembly is *below* the operating system. In assembly, you write to or read from (poke/peek) memory locations which may be mapped to devices or be actual memory. If you are actually programming in assembly (not in a compiled language) then you'd just have to know what locations mean what. This "abstraction" is what the OS and compilers provide to higher level languages.
What you are confused about is binary executable format which *is* os dependent. Every executable binary contains information in it that helps the OS know how to run it and what it's called and so forth. Binaries contain the assembly instructions that needs to run but modern binaries are also often not self standing. The "assembly" code in a binary has to be "loaded" and run along with any other "shared" binary code fragments (i.e. shared libraries). This is where the portability breaks down. On the hardware abstraction side, there is also some runtime adjustments that the OS has to do in order to map the right locations into the assembly code. This is because hardware today are not in fixed predictable locations. The bios can move a device from one memory address to another at boot time or even at run time. This is basically what PnP is. It provides a way for the OS to modify how the bios positions hardware in memory to avoid conflicts. That is why if you are running an OS that is *not* PnP aware, you need to disable the feature in the bios so that the bios will initialize and fix those parameters for the hardware at boot time. Once the OS is done with relocation and device mapping, the "code" that is sent to the CPU is assembly and for all intents and purposes this code would be basically the same no matter what OS is used.
So what are some binary formats that are shared... well, ELF is one. Elf is used on various Unix and Unix-like OSs such as Linux and Solaris. Unfortunately binary compatibility is not a useful reality because it requires all the shared components to be compatible versions and format. In a sense, the WINE project in Linux is an attempt to emulate the Windows HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) in order to "load" a binary and do all of the necessary relocations for IO and shared components that windows does and then send it to the CPU. In a way, WINE is an attempt to create binary compatibility with windows "EXE" files.
Labels: Linux
What should i know before buying a linux pc
What should i know before buying a linux pc?
Hardly any software works on it and if you don't understand source code then forget getting linux, i used it for a few months and it was a waste of time, don't bother, go for windows xp, not vista, yet. forget what people tell you about linux being better than windows, it isnt, those people just want to be different and probably like the smell of their own foeces
Labels: Linux
Create a shortcut in LINUX
How to create a shortcut in LINUX?
I'm assuming that you don't mean creating a link (via ln, or ln -s), which is generally analogous to a shortcut.
Icons on desktops really depend upon the desktop you are using. Many window managers don't provide desktop icons at all, only some of the more involved desktop environments do (Gnome, KDE, and the next version of XFCE will too).
With Gnome and XFCE, whatever is in your ~/Desktop folder appear on the desktop. To get an icon that runs a program, the best way to do this is with a desktop entry file, as described by freedesktop.org, this is supported by both Gnome and KDE.
You could also link to a desktop entry file, using ln -s to create a symbolic link.
If you need any more information, you'll need to elaborate on the problem a bit more.
Labels: Linux