
What version of linux seems to be the least buggiest

What version of linux seems to be the least buggiest ?

Most fairly recent distros will be pretty bug-free. Suse uses the KDE interface, so if that worked well for you, stay with it. KDE is the best choice for users coming from Windows. That rules out Ubuntu, because it uses the Gnome interface.

There are lots of options, but PCLinuxOS is the best I've found for finding & configuring your hardware by itself, and a problem-free installation. It's one of the best for multimedia support, and has a large software repository in case you need something that doesn't come on the CD. http://www.pclinuxos.com


Brendon said...

For sure, the most stable and bug-free distro is Slackware.

After that, I guess maybe Debian Stable.

After that, I can't think of anything thats known for being extremely stable.

souvenir of sadness said...

PCLinuxOS definitely won't be the one, as a mainstream distribution it tries hard to be on top of the modern technology and usability, bugs are inevitable..

I would say Debian

Unknown said...

Don't forget that PCLInuxOS is built on top of Mandriva.
The latest Mandriva release ( 2008 Spring ) seems to be a good release. The config tools used in PCLinuxOS are in facft the Mandriva ones.
Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring Release Tour

Unknown said...

Slackware rules where stability matters.
I use it all the time at work without a problem.
Popularity doesn't mean "quality", it just shows preference of many.