
Install linux programs in linux

How to install linux programs in linux?

a ".tar.gz" extension means 2 things: (1) the file is compressed (.gz) and (2) many files were packed together (.tar) into a single .tar file. So first you need to uncompressed them: "gunzip .tar.gz". This will create a file called .tar. This is really a group of file packed together. To unpack them you should type: "tar xvf .tar" (type "man tar" to get some info on how to use tar). You should do this within an empty directory so you know exactly what files belong to your program, or if you want to get rid of all of them later. You can uncompressed and unpack at the same time by typing "tar xvzf .tar.gz

This normally doesn't mean your program is installed.

Then you'll search for a file called "README" or "INSTALL". These are text files that should explain how to install the program. If they are not there you'll need to refer to the website of the program for specific instructions.

To read these files you can do "more README" or "more INSTALL" or use your favourite text editor such as emacs, pico, nano, vi, etc...